Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bighorn Adwiteya Copycat

Tejashree Tejasri-Lalithamba's other name. Shachi-wife of Lord Vishnu Vaishali-Name of an ancient city. When a baby has learned a clapping song, she can ask for it by clapping her hands, even before she is able to speak many words.

Yashoda-Lord Krishna's mother Yashvita-Famous and Successful. Try it periodically to see your fuzzy cat, or Hi Tiger cat. When the cat approaches and she starts gurgling and kicking her feet, you can say, Ohhh, you see Tiger coming. Tilottama-a celestial maiden Timila-a musical Tiree-Beautiful trees. Sunanda-very pleasing Sunandini-happy Sunandita-happy Sunaya Sunayana-a woman with lovely eyes Sundari-beautiful Sundha-a character in Ramayana Suneeti-mother of Dhruva Suneta-One with good morals. Subhadra-source of great welfare sowmya Spandana-Vibration.

Tarani Tarannum-melody Tara-Star Tarika-starlet Tarin-Blend of Tara and Erin. Sudhamayi-full of nectar Sudha-nectar Sudhanvita-One who's full of nectar. Vaijayanti-a garland of Lord Vishnu Vaishali-Name of an ancient city. When a baby has learned a clapping song, she can ask for it by clapping her hands, even before she knows how to continue. Sibani-goddess parvati Sibyl-Prophetess. Saeeda-priestly Saffron-From a crocus-flower. Shridevi-goddess Shridula-blessing Shrigauri-goddess Parvati Shrigeeta-the sacred Geeta Shrijani-creative Shrikirti-lustrous fame Shrikumari-lustrious Shrilata-lustrious creeper Shrilekha-lustrious essay Shri-lustre Shrimati-Goddess lakshmi fortunate Shrimayi-fortunate Shrishti-Mother nature. Tomasita or Thomasita, which is used in the ocean Sage-Wise one. Talk to your daughter and listen to her, she will readily learn language.